All components of the poster should be large enough to be read from 6-7 feet away.
The title should be very succinct and describe exactly what the poster is about.
The introduction should use succinct sentences clearly outlining why the research needed to be done, citing relevant literature.
The methods section should describe procedures in technologically precise terminology such that another behavior analyst could replicate your findings, procedures, and results.
The results section should include large, easy-to-read, non-cluttered graphs, clearly showing the experimental design used. Results should be summarized in clear terminology and discussing the importance of the findings.
Guidelines for poster set-up:
NCABA will provide easels and 3’ (height) x 4’ (width) boards on which the poster should be clipped. Clips will be provided. The posters do not need to be freestanding or board quality to stand alone on the easels.
All posters should be arranged in the poster session room at the conference at least 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the poster session (held on Wednesday).
Each poster must have at least one presenter and the presenter(s) must remain with their poster throughout the poster session. The poster session will have assigned judges, who will interact with presenters, and ask questions about the research in the posters they review for award consideration.
Posters need to be removed within 30 minutes after the poster session ends or they will be discarded.